These are undoubtedly difficult times and the following can not answer some major problems but hopefully is helpful and provides a few pointers to the way forward
Please continue to use the same methods of contacting us e.g. email and phone or the forms on the Contact page of this site.
However we would ask you where possible to use emails or the web-forms as our capacity to take calls has been reduced.
Please see the section Post if you need to send anything
Our license for SuperView25 already allows a user to install on as many suitable machines "within the business" as they wish. This includes suitable machines at staff members homes etc. The only noticeable limitation is that the dongle is required to be connected to the relevant machine when it is being used.
Although we would normally require separate businesses to have separate licenses we are happy that if you wish to cooperate with another such business in these exceptional times you may do what is necessary. We would remind you though that the dongle is a vital part of the license.
There are many notes already on this web-site relating to installing and running SuperView. Please refer to these if you need help. If you are still unable to progress please email us with your issue(s) being as precise as possible with the details and any program messages.
You may be able to setup remote access to your "works" computer via the internet etc. Using SuperView this way is reasonable however the dongle must be connected to the computer actually running SuperView.
Normally we would expect only one user per license to use SuperView in this way but in this exceptional times we will relax that requirement. Please note though that SuperView is designed to only allow one instance per machine at any one time.
We can not support you in setting up the remote access software etc
Unfortunately safe distancing means it is now difficult to have a design discussion and presentation but it is still possible to have the immediacy of a live presentation. The latest versions of SuperView even make a studio based safe distancing presentation possible. We have prepared various guides for using SuperView in these scenarios - Please email us for a copy
If items do need delivering by post or similar please ensure you confirm what address to use etc before posting to our offices since our offices may not be open to take the delivery.
Similarly if you need us to send you items that cant be distributed electronically please make sure you know how we can send them - especially suitable addresses.
If there are any general changes to these arrangements we will publish them on this website.
Unfortunately the above can not answer some of the more fundamental issues facing the fitted furniture industry in these exceptional times but hopefully they have helped.
If you have any other specific requirements or suggestions especially relating to using SuperView whilst in "lock down" or future "safe distancing" please let us know and we will consider them and help as best we can.