More Information
Our Pocket Edition version offers the main features any designer requires
Based on the same technology as its Gold sibling Pocket Edition includes:
- Scale Plans
- automatic dimensions of room and items
- free text notes
- Easily place corner units in room corner.
- Large ready to use library of units
- Variable sizes (to the mm)
- Colour 3D perspectives (see Galleries)
- dozens of door shapes and wide range of handles
- full range of colours and wide range of materials.
- View 3Ds from any view point, any angle interactively.
- Use the mouse or keyboard to adjust your view.
- House walls automatically 'disappear' so avoiding blocking your view
ie you can see through the back of them but they reappear to show their front.
- List of all items included in the design
- Saving of 3Ds as JPG
- Quotation options
- Change to Gold whenever you want (charge will apply)
- Any existing designs can be used in the Gold version
Features that are different to SuperView 25 Gold
Gold supports
- Catalogue Pricing System as well as Quote Builder (as an option)
- Direct Printing of 3D pictures
- Elevation Views
- Mobility Option
- Free Form Units and Snippets
- Large screens for displaying 3D
- Dual Graphics Processors (optional)
- Email directly (using MAPI)
Pocket Edition
- Tailored for 8" touch screens (but suitable for 10"+ and keyboard with touch pad)
- Suitable for "full size" laptops or desktops etc.
- One module as standard (Kitchens, Bedrooms or Bathrooms) add more as an option
- Reflections as an optional extra.
- Single machine license
SuperView Gold is aimed at desktop or full laptop Windows Computers whilst Pocket Edition is tailored for Windows 10 touch screen Tablets especially the low cost 8" tablets powered by Intel Atom processors. We are not restricting the editions to those devices just targeting them eg Pocket Edition can be used on larger screened devices with keyboards but no touch and will work on an external screen (if supported by the computer) but it is intended to suit an 8" screen. Conversely Gold will work on 8" screens but some features may not suit touch only.
Windows requirements
The main requirements are the same as our main SuperView25R but we will not be supporting Windows XP and will not be testing against Vista. Our target environment is now Windows 10 others may work (assuming SuperView25R does) but active support is for Windows 10 only.
The list above is specific to SuperView Pocket Edition