Web site redesigned


Web Site Redesigned!

M'n'G designs Ltd's Web site has been completey rewritten

July 2008

Our new web site, just like our actual products, is designed to be simple and easy to use whilst providing all the features required.
So you'll find inforation on our products, galleries of sample pictures etc whilst not requiring any fancy features from either the browser or plug-ins.

So if you are a professional interested in desiging 'domestic' kitchens, bedrooms, bathrooms etc have a look at the web-site www.mng.co.uk

Two years ago our initial website was unveiled but this used Microsofts FrontPage software for some of its features.

The new site has been designed to use only standard features and as little JavaScript as possible.

This means there will be few bandwidth hogging animations etc but a simple straight forward presentaion of the information

Also even strict security settings should allow most pages to be viewed without warnings etc